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* Order someone to call 911 immediately.

* If the ice is breaking, lie down flat to spread your weight out more evenly.

* If you can safely approach the person who fell in while lying flat on your stomach to help them get out of the water, do so--but only if you're not at risk of falling into the water too.

* If possible throw the person who fell in a rope or other line that he or she can use to pull up onto their stomach on the ice and slide safely to the shore.

* Once out of the water, the person needs to remove the cold wet clothes and be wrapped in dry warm ones and brought indoors to warm up. If he or she was in the water more than 30 seconds, there is a risk of hypothermia, and he or she should be treated for that when the paramedics arrive from the 911 call.

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Q: What should you do if someone falls through the ice while ice skating?
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