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Q: What mistake has puck made with the love juice?
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How are puck and oberon going to correct puck's earlier mistake?

There's another flower which is an antidote to the love-in-idleness flower, and Puck is instructed to use it on Lysander to correct Puck's mistake.

How does Puck anoint Lysander's eyes?

Oberon told Puck to pour some of the juice on the eyes of Demetrius, that he might love Helena. Puck put it in the eyes of Lysander by mistake. Oberon said to find a guy with Athenian clothing and didn't know there were two of them in the forest so Puck seen Lysander (who wears Athenian clothing) and put it in his eyes.

How does oberon identify demetrius and Helena for puck?

"A sweet Athenian lady is in love with a disdainful youth . . . thou shalt know the man by the Athenian garments he hath on." Small wonder Puck made a mistake.

Which characters did puck put the love juice on in midsummer nights dream?

Puck mistakenly put the love juice on Lysander's eyes instead of Demetrius in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." This caused chaos as Lysander falls in love with Helena instead of Hermia.

Why does Puck make a mistake with the love potion?

Puck makes a mistake with the love potion because he was mischievous and wanted to play tricks on people. He accidentally puts the potion on the wrong Athenian man's eyes, leading to chaos and confusion among the lovers in the forest.

What techniques does Puck use in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

He uses love juice to make the forest angel Titania crazy in love for Bottom.

Why does Puck anoint Lysander's eyes?

Oberon told him to. Oberon wanted Puck to anoint Demetrius, but Puck made a mistake and juiced Lysander instead. As he says, "Believe me, King of Shadows, I mistook. Did you not tell me I should know the man by the Athenian garments he had on?"

What did the puck put into lysander's eyes in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

Puck put the juice of love-in-idleness(a potion from a flower), which makes a sleeping person fall in love with the first person they see when they wake up, into Lysander's eyes.

What news does oberon tell puck?

Puck tells Oberon that the Queen is in love with Bottom. Oberon has asked Puck to do this so that he could get even with his wife for not giving him her slave child. He has a laugh at her expense by watching his wife swoon over a man with a donkey head.

Where does lysander disappear when hermia wakes up?

Well what happens is Lysander falls in love with Helena because Puck put love juice in his eyes so that makes him fall in love with the first person he meets so that happens to be Helena.

What does the fairy tell puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream in the beginning of Act 2 Scene 1?

The fairy tells Puck that Oberon, the fairy king, is upset with his queen, Titania, because she is spending too much time doting on an Indian prince. Puck is then given a task by the fairy to find a magic flower that when used on someone's eyes, will make them fall in love with the first thing they see.

What 2 characters remain under the love juice power in a midsummer night dream?

The characters who remain under the love juice power in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" are Demetrius and Helena. Puck mistakenly applies the love potion to Lysander and Demetrius, causing them to fall in love with Helena instead of Hermia.