in long run dose dependence damages mental abilities finally they may cause a lot of damage to life including personal &social
If taking a dose of LSD above 50 mcg effects will be felt. These effects range from positive, such as a sense of enlightenment, appreciation of colors and music, to negative, such as jaw clenching and panic attacks. If taking a ridiculously high dose HPPD can be developed (but since you're asking this question I wouldn't consider it). Long term effects are close to none except the memory of the experience (whether positive or negative). For a very small percentage of users the experience can have long lasting mental effects (<1%) such as flash backs or uncovering mental illnesses.
yes a doctor should be considered immediately . this can be caused by depression which leads to these effects . [suicide , mental issues , physical issues , panication , etc.]
A "mental thing" would be something that is in your mind, or that deals with your mental state.
max dose with beneficial effects. anything more could be harmful
yes she dose
no it dose not it tastes rank but dose not interfere with bowel movements
no it dose not i wish you will figure out some how to get on the internet
A 5 sided shape is a pentagon.
I am not sure, I am trying to figure it out. I take 2000mg of it for BPD.
Yes i sure dose ! it effects everthing