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it means a girl racer who crossed the finish line :)

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Q: What is the widow's lantern and why was it used?
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How can you use lantern in a sentence?

Lantern is a noun and is used as such. "It was dark, so he turned on the lantern to see his surroundings. ".

What are some Iditarod traditions orlegends?

Some Iditarod traditions include the Widows Lamp, Red Lantern, and the Microchip and collar tags. The Widows Lamp is lit when the official race starts. It's lit in Nome, and hung at the finish line. Red Lantern is the award for whoever finishes last. Microchip and Collar Tags are just what it sounds like. The Iditarod is an amazing race.The Last Great Race on Earth

What is the window's lantern and why was it used?

used for the mushers

What is an example of a lantern?

The man held the lantern high above his head.When there was no oil left for the lantern, they used candles. Coal miners each wore a small lantern on their helmets.

How do you Use the word lantern in a sentence?

He used an old fashioned lantern to see the dark path.

What is the difference between widows and orphans as used in word processing?

widows means a lady whose husband has died.orphan means a parentless child.

What materials are used to make a lantern?

paper people

Who invented the lantern?

It is actually well known that the lantern's inventor is untraceable do to the fact of wide lantern usage throughout the world and throughout history. The Chinese used to catch fireflies to put in a lantern temporarily. It is because of the many versions, wide usage history, and diversity that give the lantern an untraceable inventor.

What structure is used for chewing by the sea urchin?

Aristotle's Lantern

What is for a pie or jack-o-lantern?

Pumpkins are used in both.

What happened to Jack of Jack-o-lantern fame?

The term Jack-O-Lantern is not a person nor was a person. The term Jack-O-Lantern was originally used to describe the unusual phenomenon ignis fatuus or "foolish fire" known as a will-o'-the-wisp in English folklore. This was used especially in East England, its earliest known use dates is circa 1660s. The term "will-o'-the-wisp" uses "wisp" which is a bundle of sticks or paper used as a flame torch and the proper name "Will", therefore, "Will-of-the-torch." However, the term Jack-O-Lantern is of the same type of construction. The "Jack of the lantern (Jack-O-Lantern) means to Jack (old English meaning to make or carve) the lantern - Jack-O-Lantern.

What happen to Jack of jack-o-lantern fame?

The term Jack-O-Lantern is not a person nor was a person. The term Jack-O-Lantern was originally used to describe the unusual phenomenon ignis fatuus or "foolish fire" known as a will-o'-the-wisp in English folklore. This was used especially in East England, its earliest known use dates is circa 1660s. The term "will-o'-the-wisp" uses "wisp" which is a bundle of sticks or paper used as a flame torch and the proper name "Will", therefore, "Will-of-the-torch." However, the term Jack-O-Lantern is of the same type of construction. The "Jack of the lantern (Jack-O-Lantern) means to Jack (old English meaning to make or carve) the lantern - Jack-O-Lantern.