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Q: What is the only true source of original variation in alleles?
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What id genetic variation?

Genetic Variation is a measure of the genetic differences there are within populations or species. For example, a population with many different alleles at a locus may be said to have a lot of genetic variation at that locus. Genetic variation is essential for natural selection to operate since natural selection can only increase or decrease frequency of alleles already in the population

What is one difference between single gene trait and a polygenic trait?

Polygenic traits result in more variation because so many more alleles are involved in the process of reproduction.

What does the notation AA means to genetics?

In genetics, the notation AA represents a genotype where both alleles at a particular gene locus are the same and are dominant. This means that both copies of the gene are identical and code for the same trait.

Does fertilization create new combinations of alleles?

Yes, fertilization can create new combinations of alleles by bringing together the genetic material from two different parents. This process results in offspring with a unique set of alleles that may not be present in either parent.

What would be the consequences for evolution if there were no reproductive variation?

There would be no adaptive change due to natural selection and only genetic drift due to random events and gene flow due to population mixing would occur. Alleles would change, but without reproductive variation speciation could not occur.

Do all metamorphic rocks have layers?

No. The layering or foliation only occurs when there is a variation in the composition of the original rock. If the rock is homogeneous, then there will be no foliation.

What are the alleles of a gene?

That depends on the gene: some genes have only a few alleles, some genes have hundreds or even thousands of alleles.

Is it true that recessive alleles are never present when dominant alleles are present?

No, recessive alleles can still be present in an individual's genetic makeup even when dominant alleles are present. In this case, the recessive allele may not be expressed phenotypically, but can still be passed on to offspring.

What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous genetic variation?

Continuous variation is a variation that is distributable; under a normal curve. Height is an example of this with all heights being along a continuum of heights within populations, at least. This distribution of traits is usually controlled by many alleles in a additive fashion. Polygenic. Discontinuous variation is of one trait, allele, or the other. Blood groups are an example of this. A, B , O. You can only have two alleles here, so AA and AB and OO and AO, AB etc. are the expressed ( less the recessive O, except homozygous ) traits. These are single variations based on one allele and are not distributable along a continuum.

Why does the baby have only two alleles if the inheritance of blood type is controlled by three alleles?

Blood type inheritance is determined by three alleles (A, B, O), but an individual inherits only two alleles, one from each parent. This means a baby can have only two alleles for blood type, such as AO or BO, even though three alleles exist in the population.

Multiple alleles can be studied only in individuals?

Multiple alleles can indeed be studied in individuals, particularly through genetic analysis to determine which alleles are present in a given locus. This involves examining the different forms of a gene that can exist in a population, known as alleles, and how they interact to produce a specific trait or characteristic in an individual. This can provide insights into genetic diversity and inheritance patterns within a population.

Which allele is expressed even if only one copy is present in genotype?

dominant alleles