St. Moritz-Celerina Olympic Bobrun, officially known as the Olympia Bobrun St. Moritz-Celerina
Moritz Glaser's birth name is Moritz Glaser.
Moritz Neubronner's birth name is Moritz Florian Matthias Neubronner.
Moritz Anton Weisskopf's birth name is Moritz Anton Weisskopf.
Louisa Moritz's birth name is Castro, Louisa.
It's the official name of the bobsled!
Moritz von Uslar's birth name is Hans Moritz Walther Freiherr von Uslar-Gleichen.
Moritz is not an unusual name for Germans- it's the German version of the name "Maurice".However, there actually is a reason why Manfred von Richthofen chose the name for his dog. Apparently he named his dog after a character from a popular German children's story, Max und Moritz.
His full name is Georg Moritz Hagen Listing.
Marcel Salzer's birth name is Moritz Salzmann.
Morey Amsterdam's birth name is Moritz Amsterdam.
Fritz Wisten's birth name is Moritz Weinstein.