

Best Answer

For a laboratory study professional skiers reached speeds of around 35km/h.

Stöggl, T., Müller, E., Ainegren, M., & Holmberg, H.-C. (2011). General strength and kinetics: fundamental to sprinting faster in cross country skiing? Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 21(6), 791-803. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01078.x

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Q: What is the maximum speed recorded in cross country skiing or biathlon?
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Related questions

What two sports are there in the biathlon?

shooting & cross-country skiing

What are the two activities combined in the Biathlon Olympics?

Cross country skiing & rifle shooting.

Is Biathlon a summer or a winter sport?

Biathlon consists of rifle shooting and cross country skiing. It would be a winter sport and there is competition in biathlon at the Winter Olympic Games. But, there are some biathlons that are on roller skis, but these are mostly training, and aren't really a sport.

Which sports make up winter biathlon?

Cross country skiing, and shooting

What sports are at the winter games?

Cross Country Skiing, Biathlon, Speed Skating, Long Jump, Slalom Skiing, Bobsled, Luge, Downhill skiing

What are the five paralympic winter games are?

* Alpine skiing * Ice sledge hockey * Nordic skiing ** Biathlon ** Cross-country skiing * Wheelchair curling

What two main skills are tested in the biathlon?

Cross country skiing and rifle shooting.

Which 2 events feature in a biathlon?

Biathlon is a term used to describe any sporting event made up of two disciplines. However, biathlon usually refers specifically to the winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. Other popular variants include summer biathlon, which combines cross-country running with riflery, modern biathlon and biathle, which combine running with swimming.

What sport is made by two other sports?

it's biathlon: cross-country skiing and shooting

What are some winter olympic games?

Alpine Skiing, Bobsled, Biathlon, Cross-Country, Freestyle Skiing, Figure Skating, Luge, Snowboarding, and Speed Skating.snow skiing

What are the events in a biathlon?

The Olympic, and for that matter, any, biathlon, consists of two events. In the case of the Olympics, these two events are cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.

What is half of a biathlon called?
