The official nickname of the Iditarod's race is called The Last Great Race on Earth. The Iditarod is a sled dog race held in Nome, Alaska. ha-ha-ha. turn around. you are about to be hit. The official nickname of the Iditarod's race is called The Last Great Race on Earth. The Iditarod is a sled dog race held in Nome, Alaska. ha-ha-ha. turn around. you are about to be hit.
Dorothy Page is known as the "mother of the Iditarod trail sled dog race."
susan butcher......?
Joe Redington is known as the father of the Iditarod because Joe was the one who invented the Iditarod along with Dorothy G. Page
it is known as the gooberberry fields
"Rod" in Iditarod refers to the Iditarod Trail in Alaska, which was historically used as a route for delivering mail and supplies during the gold rush. The Iditarod Trail later became famous for the sled dog race that follows the same route, known as the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
Dorothy G. Page is known as the Mother of the Iditarod. The Iditarod is a 1,049-mile sled dog race across the state of Alaska.
The Iditarod dog sled race is known as "The Last Great Race" and it is run each year in Alaska. The dogs pull the sleds from Anchorage to Nome.
Dorthy Redington because she is the wife of Joe Redington Sr.
Dorthy Redington because she is the wife of Joe Redington Sr.
the iditarod is named after the ghost town iditarod in the northern route.
Rachel Scdoris was born with an uncorrectable vision defect known as congenital achromatopsia. She was denied entry into the Iditarod until 2005, when the Iditarod Trail Committee allowed her to race with the aid of a visual interpreter after she waged a two year battle with them to compete.