there is no difference, half pipe Snowboarding is just regualr snowboarding on a half pipe
rodeo is a backflip with a spin while a cork is an off axis spin with the motion of half a frontflip where you are never fully upside down
Boot-cuts jean cover the top half of one's boot while regular cut jean do not.
There is no difference between "half million" and "half a million." They both mean the same thing, five hundred thousand (500 000)
there isn't a difference
A snowboarding Terrain Park is a part of a ski resort that has jumps, rails, boxes, jibs, Half-pipes, etc.
Bantams will be roughly half the size of a regular chick.
The difference between a variable resistor and a rheostat is the same as the difference between six and half a dozen.
The size of the mintmark. The micro S is about half the size of the regular one.
40 minutes is what hour
(35 - 25)/2 = 10/2 = 5