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I want to ski : I'll go soon.

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Q: What is the correct sentence 1 I want to ski I'll go soon 2 Want to go skiing I go soon 3 I want to ski might go soon 4 I want to go skiing I might go?
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No, the sentence is not correct. It should be: "You can wear whatever you want." "Where" denotes a location, while "wear" is the correct term for putting on clothing.

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No. I believe you want "Does that have . . ." or "That has . . . "

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No, it is not. The correct sentence is: "Carl and I do not want soup." said Jill. But you were pretty close.

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The correct spelling is "lie" instead of "lye." The sentence should be: "I want to lie down."

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Yes, it is correct, but rather literary, not to say old-fashioned in today's idiomatic English. In normal speech, the phrase is "You want him to be your friend" or "you want to be friends with him."

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The first sentence - I want to be promoted - means that 'I' wants someone to promote him . We don't know who that someone is because this is a passive sentence and in passive sentences we don't always know who does the action. This is a correct sentence.The second sentence - I want to promote in a higher position - means that 'I' does the action of promote. But we don't know who 'I' wants to promote because there is no subject. This sentence is not correct.I want to promote her to a higher position. - In this sentence 'I' does the action of promote and the person who is promoted is 'her'. This is a correct sentence.

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No, the sentence "i wants to go here" is not complete because it is missing the verb "want" in the correct form. A correct and complete sentence would be "I want to go here."

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The correct phrasing is "I want to present this award to Mary."

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No, it is not grammatically correct. "Such a" can only be followed by a base-form adjective, like "large." If you want to make a comparative sentence, you might say, "Why do meteors have a MUCH larger impact on the Earth THAN on the moon."

Can you end a sentence with now?

Now is probably as good a time to say yes as any.

Is it correct to put a period?

If you are ending a sentence, then yes it would be correct. Unless you want to add dramatic effect to the sentence, then you may want to use a exclamation point (!). Or, if you are asking a question, you will want to use a question mark (?).