Cross-country skiing is a sport of skiing over the countryside rather than on downhill runs.
It can also be called Nordic Skiing...
It is not exactly clear when cross country skiing was invented as a competitive sport. It is accepted the first competitive races were held in Norway in 1879 and it has grown from there.
Cross country skiing is a Winter Olympic sport. Cross country cycling is a Summer Olympic sport.
Cross country skiing.
Cross country and swimming. Swimming builds upper body. Cross country builds leg muscle
Cross-country skiing has been used for centuries in colder climates to get from one location to another.
"Nordic Combined" - an Olympic sport combining the events of downhill skiing and cross-country skiing
it's biathlon: cross-country skiing and shooting
can you explain your question more better!
Crosscountry skiing, otherwise called Nordic skiing or XC skiing, is a colder time of year sport that includes skiing across significant distances over fluctuated landscape. Nordic skiing is the name given to it because it was first practiced in Scandinavia and other Nordic countries during the winter as a means of transportation. Crosscountry skiing varies from downhill skiing in that it includes skiing on compliment territory, and the skis are longer and more slender, permitting the skier to skim over the snow as opposed to cut turns. It is a popular winter exercise and endurance sport that is enjoyed by both recreational and competitive skiers.