Snowboarding is harder to learn than skiing. If you want to snowboard take classes.
Well SKIING involves 2 skies and poles. Snowboarding is just a single long board under your feet.
Youth Snow Boards are simply snow boards created for younger teens and children. One can buy these snow boards at sites like Amazon and eBay who offer reliable service.
The skies.
Because fresh now is softer and not yet compacted into ice, this way the skies can glide on the snow easier.
Snow shoes And Skies And Sleighs
There are Skies sleighs and snow shoes
They used there skies to travel in deep snow areas (basically to get around the area without problems) :]
It means someone that boards snow.
Their are many uses for balance boards. Originally they were used for skies and surfers to train on. Today they are also used for therapy and brain development as well.
skiing is......... going down hill on snow using skies to guid you
I used ski wax. (was used on snow skis or snow boards)
because of pressure
Blue Skies, snow capped peaks, sunshine and red earth.