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Linesmen are primarily responsible for watching for violations involving the center line and the blue line.

Such infractions include icing and offside infractions.

Linesmen conduct faceoffs and are also expected to break-up scuffles, and/or fistfights and other altercations that occur during the game.

Some leagues allow linesmen to call penalties (such as too many players on the ice), while others only allow them to report the infraction to the referee.

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No. A player who deliberately uses their body against an opponent, especially when making a tackle, will be sent off straight away, and a strong penalty will be awarded as well. There is no excuse for a deliberate foul like that in hockey.

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Each umpire acts as the linesman - both the sideline and the backline for each - for their side of the field, as well as calling fouls or penalties in the field of play

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NHL means National Hockey League.

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