Scott Niedermayer's birth name is Robert Scott Niedermayer.
Scott Niedermayer is 185 cm.
Scott Niedermayer was born on August 31, 1973.
Scott Niedermayer was born on August 31, 1973.
Scott Niedermayer is 38 years old (birthdate: August 31, 1973).
The Anehiem Ducks
Scott Niedermayer has won four Stanley Cups. He won one of them playing with the Montreal Canadians and the other three playing with the Detroit Red Wings.
Scott Niedermayer has won the Stanley Cup a total of four times to date: With the New Jersey Devils in 1995, 2000, 2003 & with the Anaheim Ducks in 2007. Answer courtesy of August Donnelly --
Rob Niedermayer's birth name is Robin Wade Niedermayer.
There is no Captain, but the Captain of the Canadian men's national team is Scott Niedermayer.
Thomas Niedermayer died in 1973.