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Q: What is Michelle Kwan's most important achievement?
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What are Michelle kwans traditions?

well Michelle kwans traditions are many different stuff the most she likes is celebrating the independence of hong kong

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Justinian's most important achievement was more than likely his law code.

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Themistocles' most important achievement was beating off the invasion of Greece by the Persians, around 480 BC.

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John Smith's most important achievement was exploring and mapping the Chesapeake Bay area. Another achievement was the skillful leadership he administered over his colony.

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there achievement was to have creativity and to do things the respectful way

What was justinians most important achievement?

The Justinian Code.

In your opinion what was the most important Muslim scientific achievement?

The question as written makes no sense. If you mean "What was the most important Muslim scientific achievement?", see the Related Question below.

What were Michelle kwans main accomplishments?

She is one of the most decorated American figure skaters of all time. She won 5 world titles, 9 national titles, an Olympic silver, and an Olympic bronze. She is regarded as one of the most popular figure skaters ever.

The most important achievement of the Phoenicians was the creation of large sea-faring vessels?

False, the most important achievement of the Phoenicians was not the creation of large sea-faring vessels. It was syllabic writing. and they were gay

now pick what you think is the most important achievement of all. write below why you think it is the most important in your opinion?

From my opinion, I think the greatest achievement is knowing ones purpose is knowing and fulfilling it.

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discovering the Hudson river

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Technology, Medicine, and Art