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Injured Reserve: Players that are injured and will be unavailable to play for a lengthy amount of time are placed on this list so that a team may bring in other players as replacements.

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Q: What does the letters IR refer to in hockey stats?
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What are countries that begin with the letters IR?

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What is rompsfgnloadeeasm when unscrambled?

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What is the ratio of kids playing hockey to nhl playersgoalies?

the ratio is 650 000 : 650. (not including the ir.)

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Iris, Irish, Ireland, Irritated, Irritation, Irreplaceable.

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What is county offaly registration letters for a car?

OY has been used since 1987. Before that IR was commonly used.

What is the meaning of IR of voltage?

In Ohm's Law, E stands for voltage, I stands for current (amps), and R stands for resistance. Ohm's Law states: E = IR or voltage equals current times resistance. This means that current flowing through a wire (that has resistance) produces a voltage drop in the wire. Since the voltage drop is the result of current flowing through a resistance, old-school engineers will sometimes refer to it as "IR drop". So, since E = IR, saying "IR" is the same as saying "voltage".

What does IR mean on my schedule It says I will be taking SPANISH IR. What does IR mean?

IR stands for: Introduction Remedial.

Does hear have a short or long vowel sound?

Hear has a type of long E called a caret I (eer) because it makes the same sound as the letters (ir).

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Every natural number is an irrational number?

Close. But to make that statement correct, three letters must be deleted:Every natural number is a[n ir]rational number.