

Best Answer
  • National Ski Patrol
  • National Solidarity Party, a political party in Singapore
  • Native Signal Processing, Intel's term for Host Signal Processing
  • Nature's Sunshine Products
  • Needle and Syringe Programme
  • Net Selling price
  • Network Security Policy
  • Network Service Provider
  • Neurologic Shellfish Poisoining
  • Neuro Sartorial Programming
  • New Science Projects
  • Newsgroup Service Provider
  • Night Star Pictures
  • None Shall Pass
  • Non-starch polysaccharide
  • Non-Stipendary Priest
  • Normal safety precautions
  • Northern State Parkway
  • Northern States Power Company, a division of Xcel Energy
  • North Saint Paul
  • No Such Person, a United States Postal Service designation
  • Nova Scotia Power
  • North Staffordshire Polytechnic now Staffordshire University
  • Nurse scheduling problem
  • Natural swimming pool
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15y ago
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13y ago

It stands for National Ski Patrol. Or Nova Scotia Police.

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Q: What does nsp stands for?
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What is an NSP?

NSP stands for Neighborhood Stabilization Program, a form of assistance for home buyers.

What is an nsp buyer?

NSP stands for Neighborhood Stabilization Program, a form of assistance for home buyers.

What do the initials NSP stand for?

NSP stands for Network Service Provider. This type of company sells bandwidth on networks. An example of network service providers is the internet service provider which sells acces to the internet to business and consumers.

What is nsp in nstp?

meaning of NSP in NSTP

What function does dietary fibre does nsp have in the body?

It fills you up without giving much energy and so is good for slimmers. It pushes food through the digestive system to prevvent constipation.

NSP is needed by the body to aid?

why does are body need nsp

What is an NSP used for?

NSP stands for Nomal Safety Pecaution or Procedure. It is used to make sure that a weapon is safe before you use it. Before you hand a weapon over to anyone else you need to make sure its safe but unloading the weapon the doing an NSP. The same applies when you have just picked up a weapon and you don't know who has used it before you. Hope that's helped!

What does nsp mean if your answering a food homework question?

NSP means non-starch polysaccharide. It is a dietry fibre. NSP can be found in Vegetables Cereals Fruits If we don't get enough NSP we could get: Constipated Heart disease Cancer

Why is nsp not a nutrient?


Who is secretary of NSP?


What is nsp fiber?

It stands for non starch polysaccharide. It is not absorbed by the body but it helps maintain a healthy digestive system. It is found in fruits and vegetables and is a major constituent of a healthy diet.

How could you increase the amount of NSP in a dish?

NSP is fibre so add wholemeal ingredients or something like tomatoes or dried fruit.