Sling Psychrometer- A psychrometer in which the wet and dry bulb thermometers are mounted upon a frame connected to a handle. The psychrometer may be whirled by hand in order to provided the necessary ventilation.
Snow Pellets- Precipitation of white, opaque grains of ice. The grains are round or sometimes conical. Diameters range from about 0.08 to 0.2 inch (2 to 5 mm).
Station Pressure- The pressure that is read from a barometer but is not adjusted to sea level.
Surface Pressure- The pressure that is read from a barometer but is not adjusted to sea level.
Satellite Photo- A photograph of the earth taken by weather satellites that shows areas of cloud.
Gamecube SP? If you mean GameBoy SP, then obviously -_-.
special punter?
SP stands for "spelling error" when proofreading. It indicates that there is a mistake related to the spelling of a word that needs to be corrected.
what sp in silver
There is no snow forecast for London today
statistical parodies
Sport Production
Sp is not a symbol for a chemical element.
The Colbert Report - 2005 Tony Snow 4-26 was released on: USA: 27 February 2008
depends on where it is.... what is the context?