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Achtung! Apere Stellen! translates as Caution! Snowless areas!

The signs are used to warn skiers that the slope cannot be skied all the way down/in certain areas due to lack of snow

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Q: What does Achtung Apere Stellen on a Austrian skiing slope mean?
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get 8badges and go to battle tower, get a 50win streak and done, u get zure flute en 5rare candys get action replay and it is called arceus or get mystery gift by gowing to jubilive city tv staion 3rd floor and talking to the man [in the bottom room] the first two words you say are everyone and hapy and the next two words you say are wifi and connecttion then get 2 other people mystery gift and then on mystery gift yu all press get from a friend at once then go to the pokemart and talk to the man in the green he'll give you the azure flute if you want arceus go to spear piller and go to the symbol in the square it will say do you want to blow in to the azure flute say yes a glowing stair way will apere so walk up the staire way there is arceus HOW DO I GET IT ON ACTION REPLAY I KEEP ENTERING THE CODE AND HOLDING L AND R WILE I GO IN A POKEMART IT WONT FRIKKEN WORK Or use the mstery box and a event from really life then you go into the item shop and see the green guys with the suit and he would give you the Azure flute no get 250 streak win