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An Iditarod racer is called a musher. A musher is the proper name of a dog sled driver, no matter if the driver is a professional dog sled racer or an amateur. Dog sled was the fastest method of overland travel for the native tribes in the Arctic regions of Russia, Canada and America. Mushers control their dogs by means of vocal commands. One of the commands used to get the dogs running is the word, "mush," although that command has fallen out of favor in recent years.

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How long are Iditarod races?

The Iditarod race goes on until all teams reach the finish line. If you aren't arriving at the same time as the winner (same day) you will be forgotten to be clear and the winner will have the victory!!

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Who is the only five time winner of the Iditarod?

Rick Swenson [b. 1950] is the only five-time winner of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race that's held in the United States of America across the state of Alaska. Because of that achievement, he's called the 'King of the Iditarod'. He finished first in the 1,049-mile race in 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, and 1991.

Who was the winner in the Iditarod?

The winner was Doug Swingly.

Is the Junior Iditarod race as long as the Iditarod race?

no of corse by alot

Which is the halfway point for the Iditarod in this years race?

The "halfway point" checkpoint for the iditarod race is Ophir to Iditarod

Who is the only 5 time winner what years did he win in the Iditarod?

Rick Swenson [b. 1950] is the only five-time winner of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race that's held in the United States of America across the state of Alaska. Because of that achievement, he's called the 'King of the Iditarod'. He finished first in the 1,049-mile race in 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, and 1991.

Which musher has won the most Iditarod races?

Dick Wilmarth won the very first Iditarod in 1973.

What city is called the home of the iditarod race?

The race is named after the town of Iditarod.

What language is iditarod from?

Iditarod is from the Alaskan language. It is a dogsled race in Alaska. The race is called the Iditirod Race.