i usually wear whatever i have on i dont go out of my way to act all "skater" i do what i do.. but most people wear skinny jeans,baggy pants,skateing shirts.. almost all my shirts are skateing shirtts
Wearing a helmet is best recommended for beginners but as you advanced in skate-riding techniques and you are comfortable with however you skate, a helmet will not be necessary. If its the law and it states that all skateboarders require a helmet, Then Wear one. Protection to safety is always a first hand option. If you feel comfortable to not wear a helmet, then try not to increase injuries to your head or any other part of the body, and always follow guidelines.
snowboarders wear warm clothing such as: snowboard jacket, fleece turtlenecks, snowboard pants, snowboard gloves, Snowboarding socks and snowboard helmets and goggles.
Any clothes that you want. i only skate in Levis 511 super skinny and Tony Hawk jeans because they are comfortable. You can wear any clothes that you want as long as your comforable
hi im rachel mead im a pro skate boarder and when i do it its free hears my number 07704962195
bam margera and jamie thomas
Jeff King is a professional skate boarder.
No he just stoped skating.
look, i wear cargo pants (i luv them) with a funny top. i get a few at jayjays 4 $10.if this is included i "wear" books.hehehehe... i would also wear a XXXbeer cap 4 no reason.If this counts for anything I wear wife beaters and I'm a girl with skate boarder shoes and pants.
He is the son of the famous whiny skate-boarder, Ryan Sheckler :P
I used to skate for several years and I had so many "skater" friends. Most of them wore tight shirts either from bands or skate companies. Bright colors and neons with crazy designs are very "emo/powerpopish." Tight jeans are lovely, however some guys find them difficult to skate in. Most skaters wear "skate shoes" such as vans, dc, audios, some like to wear converse.. I prefer them. You could also wear wristbands, studbelts, flatbill hats (I know that sounds ghetto but you should wear a black or brightly colored one not something with dollar signs).
There isn't any because there are so many good sisters in the world that skate different u can't really compare them all
Sure,Why not .Skate shoes are made to get messed up so really, they are a all purpose shoe but skaters might yell/ make fun of you if you dont skate Yes, you should wear skat shoes even if you don't skate. For instance- i don't skate but i wear emerica skateshoes for biking and everyday wear.
in a year i did about 40 and im a girl but it was good out rachel mead
Skateboard.about.com has a wealth of information for the beginner as well as the more advanced skate boarder. Another site is skateboard-city.com, who has a 'beginners guide'.