One in 336
This will vary because of several factors. No race is the same. So the purse for the race is not the same. Each place will have its own winnings. The closer to the #1 spot you place in the race, the more the prise money.
A 'heat' is a preliminary race where the top finishers qualify to run in the final race and the low finishers are eliminated from competition. For example, let's say there are 32 competitors in the 100 meter dash. Four 'heats' would be run where the top 2 finishers of each heat would qualify to run in the final race to determine the winner of the event.
To win a trifecta you must have all of the first three finishers in order.
25million plus race winnings
He made $3,172,180 in race winnings.
on't be so stupid
In 2010, in a 36 race schedule, Greg Biffle earned $4,966,010. in race winnings.
In 2010, in a 36 race schedule, Dale Jr. earned $4,572,930 in race winnings.
Winning, - yes it can often winnings is used as a noun too. It's not the winning that matters but how you play the game, or is it? I'll give you 10% of my winnings at the race track.
In the United States, in Thoroughbred racing the jockey wins 10% of the horse's winnings for a given race.
Jimmie Johnson's race winnings for the 2005 season was $6,796,660. This is the amount Jimmie won over a 36 race schedule.