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A number of things will disqualify you from enlisting in to the military, however there are things that can be waived with the proper medical documents. You will need to contact a local recruiter and be honest about all medical issues or conditions that you have, get all the original documents from the hospital and those documents will be sent up to MEPS for review, about 72 hours later you will have an answer on whether or not you can enlist or if you need additional documents.

Typically these medical issues are associated with a disqualification:

Heart conditions (ie. irregular heart beat, hole in the heart)

Anything in which you are dependant upon medication daily like:




Mental conditions, (ie. suicidal thoughts or tendencies or attempts)

High Blood Pressure


(you can not be on any type of medication while attending Basic Training/Boot Camp)

Major Surgeries to include:

Cancer removal

Back, neck, Heart or brain surgery


Keep in mind if a recruiter tells you no or that you are disqualified because you have stated that you have this medical issue or problem that they themselves are not the final approving authority on if you can enlist or not. If the still do not want to send the documents up then find another recruiter until you have them sent, on the other-side as a recruiter I have an idea on what is going to get approved and what will not, so I might not want to waste my time on someone that I know that I can not get in when I could be looking for someone who does not have those issue. Also keep in mind that even when the authorization comes back and you have been approved to physical the doctors at MEPS can disqualify you there for that same issue that you were pre-approved for.

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