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Maybe it's not the country that teaches them but at least in Sweden most children ski before they start school. I assume that's pretty much the case in all countries with snow and skiing traditions.

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Q: What country teaches their child how to ski before they go to school?
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Give 3 answers why is good to walk to school?

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18 or graduation from high school, whichever is later.

What's the Best High School in Costa Rica for a child who wants to go to a top U.S. University?

Country Day School

Can you leave the country before the child is born to avoid paying child support?

Depending on the country you so cowardly is fleeing to, she can get you extradited or sue you in that country. Be a man! You might change your mind one day and then your child will know you as the one who ran away because he was afraid to support his child.

In Teaching American values in school can help shape a child and .?

Schools don't teach values that is the parents job and it is the parents job to shape the child. Before a child ever reaches school the parent is the first teacher and what the child will become is set before they are 4 years old. Unfortunately many parents expect the school to be the parent, teacher, nurse, and counselor. This is an impossible task because without the parent the school can't do it all. The parent is the most important person (or should be) in a child's life and who or what the child grows up to be is the responsibility of the parent not the school.

Teaching American values in school can help shape a child and .?

Schools don't teach values that is the parents job and it is the parents job to shape the child. Before a child ever reaches school the parent is the first teacher and what the child will become is set before they are 4 years old. Unfortunately many parents expect the school to be the parent, teacher, nurse, and counselor. This is an impossible task because without the parent the school can't do it all. The parent is the most important person (or should be) in a child's life and who or what the child grows up to be is the responsibility of the parent not the school.