You could sell a nice quarter pipe on ebay for 100 or 150 dollars. The person you are selling it to should be close enough so they can pick it up themselves.
The standard diameter of an inch and a quarter copper pipe is 1.25 inches.
90 ( 1/4 of 360 )
It equals 3/4" in length.
the cheapest is around 400 bucks
Every time! lol Seriously a 10-inch pipe is 5/4 of an 8-inch pipe
There is no such thing as "the Palestinian Quarter", so Jews could not buy land there.
That's going to depend on: -- the thickness of the pipe's walls -- the length of the piece you want to buy -- the material of which the pipe is composed -- where you buy it
Yes you can. From a fellow pipe smoker.
If you had been advised why ask again?
Hardware store
For proper fall. Pipe should slope 1" for every 8'.