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First you need to know that downhill skiing is also referred to as Alpine Skiing. Second you need to decide if you are a "serious" ski racer or a "recreational" ski racer. Don't know which category you fit into? Check out their descriptions below. Serious ski racers are generally Junior ski racers in elementary through college age. Serious ski racers go to ski practice daily and have ski races every week. They may also be on a high school ski team if it is available in their area. These ski racers invest in ski equipment including two to three pairs of skis, helmet, Giant Slalom Suit, ski poles with wrist guards, shin guards, and other ski racing gear and equipment. Ski racing equipment can be very expensive, but a serious ski racer skis so often that it is worth it. Serious ski racers are competitive and may strive to become a professional ski racer one day. Recreational ski racers are those skiers that ski once in awhile or just for fun a couple times a month or week. Recreational skiers may have their own equipment, but don't usually have a giant slalom suit and/or protective equipment. Serious ski racers will want to check out the United States Ski Association website at They having junior Alpine racing programs. These racing programs hold races at local ski areas every Saturday and Sunday. Typically you will have slalom races on Saturday and Giant Slalom races on Sunday. You take a 2 run race in the morning and another 2 run race in the afternoon. Recreational skiers will have fun in a Nastar race. Nastar races are usually set up as Giant Slalom and the courses are very easy to navigate. Check for a Nastar race at your local ski area.

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19y ago
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7y ago

Ask a company or person to sponsor you and in return u wear their logo
send videos in to ur local skate/snow shop
the main thing you need to do is to get noticed. just shred every day at your local hill and soon enough people will start to notice and respect you(if you have a good attitude). Then start making friends at your local snowboard shop. Start winning small local contests and people will notice. i would also suggest going to a summer snowboard camp. they will help you progress more in 10 days then in the rest of your snowboard carreer. Check out High Cascade snowboard camp or Camp of Champions. Once you feel you are at the top percentile of the best snowboarders at your mountain- start filming. film legitament tricks with no fillers. have tricks that are unique and difficult that the average snowbaorder cannot do. it is important to have good shot dicipline when editing. sponsors don't want to see anything less than perfect. once your video part is done. take it to your local shop and give it to them with your phone number. once you are sponsored by a shop it is the best gateway to gaining a real sponsorship from a company.
Be good. or you won't have a sponser.

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15y ago

You have to go though all the gates, complete turns, jumps and beat the clock.

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13y ago

i live in Ottawa (but live really close to quebec) and i have the same question....


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11y ago

In order to get involved with supercross, one would need to get into contact with a representative, most likely with information coming from their website.

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Why is snowboard cross called snowboard cross?

It is called that because its a cross between freestyle and racing. It is a downhill race that involves jumps, therefor making it snowboard cross

Who Won the gold medal for snowboard cross?

in women's snowboard cross in 2010 was Maelle Ricker

Who were the winners in men's snowboard cross at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics?

Pierre Vaultier of France won the gold medal in men's snowboard cross. Jarryd Hughes of Australia won the silver medal in men's snowboard cross. Regino Hernández of Spain won the bronze medal in men's snowboard cross.

Who were the winners in women's snowboard cross at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics?

Michela Moioli of Italy won the gold medal in women's snowboard cross. Julia Pereira de Sousa Mabileau of France won the silver medal in women's snowboard cross. Eva Samková of the Czech Republic won the bronze medal in women's snowboard cross.

How do you get involved in snowboard cross in Australia?

you go into australia and u take a snowboard and then u go to some snow then u snowboard

Who won the gold medal in men's snowboard cross at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics?

Pierre Vaultier of France won the gold medal in men's snowboard cross.

Who won the gold medal in women's snowboard cross at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics?

Michela Moioli of Italy won the gold medal in women's snowboard cross.

Who won the bronze medal in men's snowboard cross at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics?

Regino Hernández of Spain won the bronze medal in men's snowboard cross.

Who won the silver medal in men's snowboard cross at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics?

Jarryd Hughes of Australia won the silver medal in men's snowboard cross.

When was the olympic sport snowboard cross made?


What was the new olympic sport in 2006?

Snowboard Cross

Who won the bronze medal in women's snowboard cross at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympics?

Eva Samková of the Czech Republic won the bronze medal in women's snowboard cross.