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15y ago

It's a sport, that maybe peope love and take very seriously.

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Q: What are the rules and objectives of speed skating?
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Related questions

How do you practice for speed skating?

you attend speed skating practices.

When was Speed Skating Canada created?

Speed Skating Canada was created in 1887.

What are the 10 most played sports in Canada?

hockey basketball baseball lacrosse curling football (canadian rules) speed skating

What are the basic rules of speed skating?

Try your best without trying to push and kill people. Go as fast as you can and try your best:)

Are there rules for figure skating?

plenty. if you are looking for rules for competitive figure skating with the USFSA (united states figure skating association) you can find them at the USFSA website... (

When did people start speed skating?

People began speed skating as a Olympic event in 1924 but only men can compete. Women can compete in 1974 for speed skating.

What other types of skating are there?

Some different types of skating are Hockey, Figure Skating, and Speed Skating.

When did speed skating become an olypmic event?

Speed Skating became an Olympic sport in 1924.

What are the rules in ice skating?


What is one of the most popular forms of skating?

Popular forms of skating include: Inline skating Speed skating Ice skating

Which sport related to skating originated in the Netherlands?

speed skating

Winter sport with an oval track?

bobsleigh amd short track speed skating, and speed skating.