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Q: Was there a ski slope at haden hill house?
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Related questions

What are the bumps on a shi hill called?

If you mean a ski slope, they are called Moguls.

What are some real world examples of positive slope?

Taking a ski lift to the top of a hill.

Skiers are pulled up hill by a moving ski slope when they reach the top of the hill they ski down what type of energy do the skier gain as they go up hill?

Once the skiers go uphill by a cable car or lift, they gain potential energy. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy once the skiers start to ski down the slope.

Where do you test the sled in gs mission?

Test slope at the top of ski hill. i hope this helped. : D

Example of slope?

A hill, or a contor map both involve lots of slopes. So do ski resorts.

Why do they call a ski hill a ski hill?

because more people ski

What is the fastest ski slope?

The Flying K in Les Arcs is the fastest ski slope in the world

When did the llandudno ski slope open?

The ski slope opened in 1987, my father was one of the owner/directors.

How ski is played?

you put skis on your feet, on a ski slope and you ski down it.

What is the oldest ski hill in Saskatchewan?

the oldest ski hill is the Bruce internation hill at Canada.

What does voltage mean in the ski slope model?

it means the ski

What is the price of a dry ski slope?

to ski on it it depends where you go and when