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i think youir talking about a huski dog, they used to a least seven dogs to pull a man/woman on a sled in the snow.

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Q: The American dog used to pull sledges is called?
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American dog used to pull sledges?

Huskies did

What ia an American dog used to pull sledges?

The domesticated dog, breed - Husky.

What is used to pull sledges?

Sled dogs, such as huskies or malamutes, are traditionally used to pull sledges. These breeds are well-suited for pulling due to their strength, endurance, and cold climate adaptations like thick fur and padded paws.

What were Egyptian sleds made of?

Sledges were used for transport over land. They were mainly used in construction for moving heavy loads such as stone blocks, statues and obelisks. The sledges were usually hauled by gangs of slaves. Greater the load, the bigger the sledge and the number of slaves used to pull it.

Did they use the wheel to help to build the pyramids?

No, they used many slaves to pull blocks on sledges up the slopes using ropes made from papyrus

Do people sledge in Antarctica?

Sledges are used to transport material across the ice, usually pulled by Ski-Doo machines. These are working sledges, not recreational sledges.

Sledges can be used to drive?

Bolts and chisel

What did roald amundsen use as transport to get to antarctica?

He used 3 sledges and 52 snowdogs

The sledges are not provided with wheels. Why?

Sledges are designed without wheels to allow them to glide smoothly over snow or ice. Adding wheels would increase friction and make it harder to slide. Sledges are meant to be used in snowy conditions where wheels would not be effective.

How do you think the stones used to build the pyramids were transported?

The most commonly accepted theory is that the stones were transported by dragging or carrying them on sledges over wooden tracks. It is also believed that water was poured on the sand in front of the sledges to reduce friction. Some newer theories suggest that a combination of sledges, ramps, and possibly rolling the stones on cylindrical wooden beams were used.

Why is a sledge needed in antarctica?

Sledges are used to transport materiel and supplies on the Antarctic ice sheet.

What are the animals used in Antarctica for transporting?

Husky packs towing sleds/sledges are mainly used for transportation around Antarctica.