The 158 is the length in cm. It's just about 62 inches, or 5' 2''. But if you're looking into a new board, you should think more about your weight to determine how long of a board to get.
Well the snowboard should be just about as tall as you
The best way to find out the size of a snowboard to get a youth would be to contact a professional snowboarding instructor. One can also find the size by going to the website "The House" and looking at the snowboard sizing charts and guides.
About 5'2 with size 10 snow boot. BURTON INDUSTRIES
Answer helloo im a personal snowboard trainer in davos of Switzerland and you need exactly1.57 snowboard and shorter so between 1,55 and 1.57 is the best size for you. you have to know that board have to reach from the ground to your shouldiers an a little bit a little only 1-2 cm higher from your shouldiers ok.have fun andd good luck on your snowboard choise for this size byeANSWER:Compare your height in centimeters to the length of the snowboard. Maybe you can choose 149 -157 cm.
158 centimeters.
By the size of the hill it is on
usually 22 feet
When you stand against it, it should be between your chin and start of your nose.They say a snowboard should measure in between your chin and nose standing up. Example a 6 foot tall person should by a board that measures between a 156-159The best way to determine the size of board you need is by your weight. Just google snowboard weight sizing chart and it should be fairly easy to find one.My son is 5 foot 3 inches and weighs 105 lbs what size snowboard should i buyIt depends on your height. When you are renting a snowboard, the employee will measure your heigth and then give you the snow board that fits you the best. If you are buying a snowboard they do the same thing.
When choosing what size snowboard it is more important to select one based on your weight rather than height.It really depends on what type of riding you do/where you snowboard mainly.For park I would suggest anything from a 152-156.For all mountain from a 154-158.For powder 156-160.This is just personal preference for me since I am the same weight as you are. Also make sure to get one that is wide enough based on how big your foot is as you definitely do not want any toe drag.
The size of the snowboard will determine whether or not it will fit a 6ft 150lb.
usually 22 feet
140-145 cm