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I e-mailed Lange for broken heel pieces and this was my response;

I'm sorry but we have exhausted our supply and they are no longer available.

Keith Myers

Rossignol Group Service Manager USA

Rossignol, Dynastar, Lange, Roxy Alpine

From: Les Walsh []

Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 9:19 AM

To: info Dynastar

Subject: Replacement Parts for Lange Boots

I own a pair of Lange ski boots size 13, and recently the plastic heel pieces broke off. They are MID 56 Mid System boots, men's size 13. There is a 342 mm mark by the heel. I have attached two photos. Please let me know if I am able to order two of these heel pieces from you.

Thank you,

Les Walsh

In Re: How would you like to buy a car and be told later there were no replacement parts available? That's how I felt after this response and probably would not buy their products again if they can't back them up with parts. Not everyone can afford to run out and spend what they want for new boots these days...

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