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Triple black diamond is a marketing thing, not a standard trail designation. The double black diamonds at Schweitzer, Bogus Basin, and Sun Valley are every bit as hairy as the triple black diamonds at the resorts that have them.

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11y ago
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13y ago

no there is no triple black diamonds i have skied a lot of places and done a ton of research no mountain in the us has a triple black diamond

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Q: Is there any triple black diamonds in Idaho for skiing?
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Related questions

What is the colour used to describe the most difficult skiing run on a?

Black diamonds are used to mark the most difficult runs on a ski hill.

What color is black diamonds?

Black diamonds are black.

Can you get black diamonds?

You can buy black diamonds.

What do black diamonds look like?

Black diamonds are diamonds, but they are black, and not transparent. Follow the link, below, to see photos of black diamonds.

Who makes black diamonds?

Mother earth makes black diamonds.

Are black diamonds real diamonds or are they artificial?

Diamonds can be found naturally occuring in a range of colors, including black diamonds. They are not artificially made.

Are black diamonds expensive?

Black diamonds that are available in the market are usually low grade white diamonds that have been colored black, however, natural black diamonds can be expensive depending on the quality.

When was Lethbridge Black Diamonds created?

Lethbridge Black Diamonds was created in 1992.

Are black diamonds enchanced real diamonds?

Black diamonds -- properly Carbonado, are real diamonds, with our without enhancements. You can read more about Carbonado, below.

Are black diamonds more rare than regular diamonds?

Black diamonds are more rare than regular diamonds. They are one of the most rare species of colored diamonds.

Is a black diamond valuable?

Natural black diamonds are rare. They are due to dark graphite inclusions. Their rarity makes them valuable. Most black diamonds are synthetic and made by heat treating low quality diamonds. The price of a synthetic black diamond is lower than that of white diamonds.

What is the web address of the Idaho Black History Museum in Boise Idaho?

The web address of the Idaho Black History Museum is: