There is not a specific phobia name for a ski phobia. There is a snow phobia that is called chionophobia and if someone were afraid of snow, they would not enjoy skiing.
I looked it up and there is no phobia name for hail.
Yes. Genuphobia is the name of the phobia
There is currently no proper name for a phobia of chaos as it has not yet been classified as a phobia
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Bolshephobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Allodoxaphobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Barophobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Bathophobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Blennophobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Bogyphobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Alliumphobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Ambulophobia.
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Apeirophobia.