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No Nolan Funk is not Cody Linley's brother. A lot of people seem to think that Nolan Funk looks like Cody Linley.

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Who is nolan gerad funk?

Nolan Gerad Funk is an actor.

Does Nolan Gerard Funk have any brothers or sisters?

he has a little brother. his name is nikko jk bye

What color are nolan funk's eyes?

Nolan's eyes are hazel

What Color Are Nolan Gerard Funk's Eyes?

Nolan's eyes are blue.

What is nolan funk's middle name?

its gerard.

How old is nolan funk?

my siter like you

How old is Nolan Gerard Funk?

Nolan Gerard Funk is 30 years old. He was born July 28, 1986 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

When was nolan funk born?

he was born in 1986 in Canada

When is Nolan Gerard Funk's birthday?

July 28, 1986

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Are Tammin sursok and Nolan funk dating?

no they aren't and never did but Nolan did think Tammin was cute when he first saw her.