yes if you either buy the right type of paint
or you can get it done specially by certain companies
A Giro ski helmet can be purchased from all good ski and alpine specialist stores. Alternatively, try sports stores such as Sports Direct, or webpages such as Amazon or Ebay.
34 grams
Skiis, ski poles, ski boots, snow pants, coat, mittens, ski helmet/ hat, ski gogles. :-)
For one day of skiing, typically you need a hat or helmet, sunglasses or goggles, boots, skis, jacket, long socks (do not use soccer socks, your best bet would be to buy a pair of ski socks at your local sports store), and gloves. The eye and head wear are optional, but i highly recommend a helmet and goggles; accidents can happen anywhere and a helmet might just save your life.
Yes you can wear a skull cap under a ski helmet.
Ski's, poles, suit, helmet, ski boots, goggles and maybey some other stuff but i dont no them
A ski doo helmet can be ordered from popular websites such as Amazon and eBay. Alternatively, it can be bought from Skidoooutlet website. They offer free shipping on orders over 99 dollars.
Obersdorf 1958 136m
In my opinion it is important to wear a ski helmet. It's not an opinion, its a fact. I know someone who was skiing and hit a tree really hard, mostly with her head. When she went to the doctor she brought her helmet with her. He said that it most definitely saved her life, why? It was one of the best helmets on the market and it was in three pieces. Also, recently where I ski, Big White, someone died because they hit a tree without a helmet. They usually wore a helmet but that day they forgot their helmet at their house in Kelowna, a 45 min. drive away, so he decided he would ski without. Also, about 10% of ski injuries are head injuries, about 90% of ski deaths are caused by head injuries and about 80% of those people weren't wearing helmets. That's reason enough for me to wear a helmet, it could very well save my life one day and that's important to me.
instead of knock on wood, it can be knock on snow!
skis, poles, ski boots, jacket, snowpants, ski socks, long underwear, gloves, hat or helmet, goggles or sunglasses, money, attitude.