A right handed shooter can play any position he or she wishes.
If he or she plays forward, the most common position is right wing or center.
If he or she plays defense, the most common position is right defence.
both, I'm a righty and i played both left wing and right wing.
Traditionally a left winger shoots left, however there are advantages to playing your "off wing". A right-handed shot carries his stick blade towards the middle of the ice when coming down the left wing. This creates a better angle when shooting on the net versus carrying your stick towards the boards like a left-handed shot would do. As a result, playing the off wing has become quite common.
righty lefty, lefty righty ooooooooooooooooo some are right hand others are left but we are all the same no matter how you treat us oooooooooooooooo righty lefty, lefty righty As we save the children we are helping all with painted hands we will help all! Lexie........................ Allie........................ the founders of this greatness! so raise your hands! whether your a righty or lefty righty lefty, lefty righty so raise your hands in the air for the righty lefty, lefty rightys!!!!!!!!!!!bum bum be dump booooo!!!!!!!!!!!
He's a lefty:) he writes with his left hand, eats with his left hand etc. :)
she write with left hand
Ashley is left handed.
For batting righty put your right hand on top. For lefty put your left hand on top.
John Cena is left handed.
if you have a left stick your left hand goes low ( not to low ) on the stick and your right hand on the top of the hockey stick, for a right stick it's the opposite of holding a left stick, to tell if you are a lefty or a righty with a hockey stick try this both ways with a right and a left stick to see what is more comfortable for you.
Lefty loosey, righty tighty.
Righty tighty, lefty loosey.
Lefty loosey, righty tighty.
Lefty! If you watch him play guitar, he uses he's left hand!! :) x
Yes, Lady Gaga is left handed