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Q: Is 16 too late to start speed skating?
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Is 17 too late to start figure skating if I've done dancing and gymnastics?

Definately not. If you want to start, go ahead. If you find the right age group go for it

Is it to late to start seeds in April?

It is not too late to start seeds. June is usually the month that is too late.

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No way! I started skating when i was 3

Is it too late for me to start ballet?

It is never too late to chase after your dreams.

Is it too late to start ballet at 14?

No, it is not too late as long as you are at least a bit flexible.

Is it to late to start dance at fourteen years old?

No. It is never too late.

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speed skating. And he looks so cute doing it too!

Is 13 too late to start contemporary dancing?

You always can no it is not too late. Practice and prove how good you are.

Really want to start to learn guitar but im 15 is it too late?

It's never too late to learn how to play an instrument.

Can teenagers start playing the cello?

of course! its never too late to start playing an instrument.

Can you start ballet at the age of 14 or is it too late?

Of coarse you can it's never really too late I mean their are such thing as ladies ballet classes

How do you use the word job in a sentence?

You are too late to start this job.