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the bigest and the strongest dogs are hoock in the very back.

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Q: In the Iditarod what is the largest dogs to pull in the Iditarod?
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Related questions

In the Iditarod what is the fewest dogs to pull in the Iditarod?

The Maximum is 16 dogs the minimum is eight dogs.

Where is the Iditarod?

The Iditarod dog sled race is known as "The Last Great Race" and it is run each year in Alaska. The dogs pull the sleds from Anchorage to Nome.

What is the maxamm number of dogs in a iditarod?

what is the maximum number of dogs in the iditarod?

Max number of dogs you can race in Iditarod?

The maximum number of dogs you can run in the Iditarod race is 16 dogs

What is the average dogs in th Iditarod race?

16 dogs

What is the maximum of dogs to finish the Iditarod?

6 dogs at the finish

How many dogs does Kris Hoffman have for the iditarod race?

Kris Hoffman actually has 16 dogs total for the Iditarod race of 2011. All mushers start with 16 dogs

What is the highest number of dogs you can have at the iditarod?

You start with 12 dogs and the most is 16 dogs.

What kinds of dogs are used for the Iditarod?


How many dogs do you have to end with in the Iditarod?


What was the purpose of the Iditarod?

to have dogs and race them to win.

How many dogs can you have in iditarod race?