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Q: If you're engaged in seasonal sports such as skiing what should you do in the off-season?
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When you engage in seasonal sport such as skiing what should you do in the off season?

get a trainer and practice

What is an example of seasonal unemployment?

A seasonal job such as: Teaching, plowing snow in a temperate region, repairing lawn equipment in a temperate region. Harvesting crops that are only available during a certain season. There are many seasonal jobs.

How many people die of skiing accidents a day?

As skiing is a seasonal occupation and sport- the question does not apply as you have worded it. yearly- well it could be looked up.

What color flag must a vessel engaged in skiing operation display when a skier is in the water?

Red or Orange

What PFD may not be worn by those engaged in high impact water sports such as water skiing?

any inflatable

What could you put in your speech about skiing?

what skiing involves how long people have been skiing for and when it was invented, by who/ why people enjoy it. a story of when you or family/friends have been(to add humour and make the speech less dry) where the most common places for skiing are why people should, or should not go skiing. in any good speech there muct be an argument or debate that you are fighting for. if you are talking about skiing, try and argue why skiing is better than other winter sports.

Where can you research water skiing?

There are many websites that allow you to search water skiing. Do a Google search, this should give you several options.

What do you put on your feet to ski?

When one goes skiing it is very important to remember the guidelines of skiing so one does not do any harm to the body as a result of a ski accident. When one is skiing one should wear skis.

Y You should you go to tundra?

You should go to the tundra for sledding, skiing, snow boarding, etc.

Should a girl get checked after her first time?

first time skiing ey?

What seasonal activities affect the environment?

Seasonal activities such as increased travel, shopping, and energy consumption during the holidays can contribute to air pollution, waste generation, and carbon emissions. Seasonal agricultural practices like planting and harvesting can impact soil health and water quality. Outdoor recreational activities like skiing and snowmobiling can disturb wildlife habitats and contribute to erosion.

What should you take on a skiing trip?

You should take skies,snowboots jacket,mittens,ski goggles and that's about it.