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A skater's speed usually fluctuates by how skilled of a skater he/she actually is. It also depends on the quality and size of the wheel and the resistance and cleanliness in your bearings (often determined by an ABEC rating). The surface in which your riding on also determines how long you can hold your speed and how fast you can even get to start with. hills and transitions also fluctuate your speed. All in all, if it holds any factors in determining your speed, baggy clothes would be the LAST thing to slow you down haha

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Q: If a skater wears loose baggy clothing the skaters speed will be?
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Bagginess is the quality or state of being baggy - loose-fitting, especially of clothing, such that it hangs away from the body.

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Baggy is a word that often refers to loose clothing that hangs and folds on itself. It usually refers to pants and sometimes shirts that are too big for a person's frame.

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Is baggy an adjective?

Yes, it is. It means very loose, as if oversized or ill-fitting (e.g. baggy trousers).

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The apparel that is in style for men now consists of pieces that are nicely tailored and almost tight fitting. Loose baggy clothing is no longer the fashion trend.

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For warm weather, loose trunks are great. For cool weather, semi-baggy sweatpants are the way to go. You want to maximize comfort.

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They dont loose their goalie they pull them and they come to the bench and a normal skater goes on for the team. They dont loose their goalie they pull them and they come to the bench and a normal skater goes on for the team.

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The spelling Baggie (Baggies) is a trademark name for a plastic (polyethylene) storage bag. It is sometimes used informally and generically as baggie or baggies.The adjective meaning sagging or loose is baggy.

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droopy, soft, loose, limp, sagging, baggy, flaccid, pendulous

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loose, slack, bluging, sagging, sloppy, floppy, roomy, ill-fitting

What does hip hop people wear?

Loose fitting clothing, what some would consider baggy maybe, anything comfortable, sweats, colorful things also, accesories that draw attention, i.e. BLING bling....lots of hoodies 2