In Portes du Soleil between Avoriaz and Les Crosets. It's the piste going under the Chavanette lift.
A high, steep wall of rock is called a "cliff." Cliffs are vertical or near-vertical rock exposures that can be found along coastlines, mountainsides, or canyons. They are formed through various geological processes such as erosion, faulting, or volcanic activity. Cliffs can vary in height and are often popular for rock climbing and sightseeing due to their dramatic and picturesque appearance.
a steep, high, wall of rock, earth, or ice.
To be more steep. We say "a steep slope" meaning the slope rises at a sharp angle, that is difficult to climb. A wall is steep because it goes straight up.
By definition, a narrow chasm with steep cliff walls is a canyon. Exceptionally narrow canyons are called "slot canyons".
A steep high wall of rock, earth, or ice is known as a cliff. Cliffs are often formed by erosion and can vary in size and shape, providing both natural beauty and challenges for climbers and hikers.
The steep walled depression surrounding a volcano vent is called the crater. In dormant volcanos, these may fill with water and become crater lakes.
A roof with two distinct slopes. Usually the upper part of the roof has a shallow pitch (slope) and the part near the wall is steep. A roof with two distinct slopes. Usually the upper part of the roof has a shallow pitch (slope) and the part near the wall is steep.
Lean a ladder against a wall. Not too steep . . . Give it a nice angle, for safe climbing. The height is the distance between the ground and the place where it hits the wall. The slant height is the length of the ladder.