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A lot, but that doesn't mean it'll take a lot to injure your head.

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Q: How much force does it take to crack a ski helmet during a fall?
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What are the benefits of wearing a helmet when skateboarding?

Because you dont want to crack open your head or get a concussion.

Do in need a helmet on a bike?

Well, in some places it's required by law, and punishable by a fine if you don't wear one. Apart from that wearing a helmet can protect you entirely from injury during a moderate fall, and reduce your injury during a severe fall. I wear one at all rides.

What is the mentally handicapped helmet called?

It's called a helmet. Just like how you wear a helmet on a bike, to protect you when you fall, they wear helmets all the time to protect them when they fall.

Why do you use a bicycle helmet?

If you fall and hit your head on the sidewalk, a helmet will keep you from busting your head open. If you fall of a bike and land on your head, a helmet will protect you head.

Is wearing a helmet good for riding a bike?

As long as you don't fall off, wearing a helmet or not doesn't matter. But if you should fall off, a helmet offers easy and inexpensive protection against head injuries.

Why is there a crack on King Tutankhamun head?

Some speculate it was from a fall, some say it happened during the embalming process,

What riding garment starts with the letter H?

A helmet is a riding garment. It protects the rider in case of a fall or a crash.

Why were bike helmets invented?

Bicycle riders are expected to fall less often, but with more force than skateboarders. So bicycle helmets are made to soak up more force, and then be replaced after a bad fall. Skateboard helmets are made to soak up less force, but to remain useful even after several falls. Bicycle helmets are also generally made to allow more airflow, to keep the rider's head cooler during hard riding.

Do you need a bike helmet when are going to ride your bike?

Well, in some places it's required by law, and punishable by a fine if you don't wear one. Apart from that wearing a helmet can protect you entirely from injury during a moderate fall, and reduce your injury during a severe fall. I wear one at all rides. For what they cost and what they offer, it seems like the smart thing to do.

Why do the people have to stay you there house during an earthquake?

Type your answer here... That way you don't fall in a crack of have something fall on you in the open. If your in a house and under something, your less likely to get hurt.

What are the effects of crack on your penis?

It will fall off and eat you. Don't smoke crack, dummy.

Why should you wear helmet when riding to somewhere?

Safety! The helmet will protect your head in case you fall off or get thrown off the horse, much like wearing a helmet on a bike or motorcycle. You should always wear a helmet.