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Mostly Spandex. Short track suits have some sort of protection material in the shins. And some also have some Kevlar in sensitive areas.

out side fabric is around 20% spandex and 80% polyester for print different artwork onto the suit. Normally it's lycra fabric from DuPont

Inner side is kevlar protect some important part of body, some peaple need protect all part of body, but with more expensive cost.

We can help to make such short track skating suits for you if you need, this is my email address:

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14y ago

a hollow aluminim base with a flixi plastic core then a steel metal blade. there has been shown to have used animal hooves for part of the blade. i guess it helps them carve

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14y ago

It is made from water proof fabric and has a non-removable liner made of nylon, silk, cotton or taffeta.

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