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More of s stereo type. I have skied at least 50 days a year since i was 10, long before snowboards were invented. I have never been injured by a snowboarder of seen this happen.

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Q: How may skiers get hurt from snowboarders?
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What is the collective noun for skiers?

A twatt of skiers. The collective noun for snowboarders is a smug.

Who are some famous Colorado skiers and snowboarders?

Tom Berguron i dont know

Why do some mountains only alow skiers?

Because snowboarders tend to be selfish and reckless.

Is skiing more popular or is snowboarding?

Skiing is still more popular than snowboarding because of the simple reason skiing is easier to learn at first. Snowboarders are gaining and there are some days where snowboarders out number skiers on the slopes.

Why are there more skiers in the world?

If you mean, "Why are there more skiers than snowboarders in the world?" Then the answer to your question is that snowboarding was invented much more recently than skiing and many mountains have only recently allowed people to snowboard on them. Some still do not.

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Was skiing or snowboarding more popular in 2008?

Skiing is more popular for the simple fact that its easier to learn. Snowboarding is gaining in popularity every year and some days there are more snowboarders on the slopes that skiers.

Nickname for a female snowboarder?

Nuckle Dragers is a popular nickname skiers call snowboarders.Grom is what you would call young snowboarders that hang out in terrain parks.Snake is someone that cuts you off entering a terrain park or half pipe.Hucker is a snowboarder that jumps blindly or out of their ability range hoping to land that spectacular trick.

Highest altitude ski resorts in the US?

It is Telluride Ski Resort located in the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado. The hike to Palmyra Peak allows skiers and snowboarders the ability to ski at over 13000 feet.

Where do snowboarders snowboard?

Snowboarders snowboard just about wherever there is snow and a mountain.

What does fresh powder mean?

Fresh powder refers to newly fallen snow that has not been packed down or affected by skiers or snowboarders. It is typically very light and fluffy, making it ideal for skiing or snowboarding because it provides a smooth and soft surface to glide on.

What activities do CMH Heli-Skiing offer?

CMH Heli-Skiing offers one of the world's most comprehensive and spectacular wilderness skiing experiences available to Heli-Skiers and Snowboarders. During the warmer months they offer family hiking adventures and high flying adventures.