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Q: How many mushers have signed up to run the race this year?
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How many mushers are in the Iditarod this year?

63 mushers began the race, however 9 have scratched.

How many people are in the Iditarod?

The number of participants in the Iditarod sled dog race varies each year, but typically there are around 50-60 mushers who compete in the race, along with hundreds of sled dogs.

How many mushers run the Iditarod?

The number varies from year to year, but there are never more than 100.

How many dogs in the Iditarod race?

in the iditarod you can have a maximum of sixteen dogs and a minamum of twelve dogs!!! most mushers will end up with anywhere from eight to twelve dogs in the end!!!! this is because many mushers will lose dogs when they run away on the trail and because some mushers will leave there dogs at the check point if they are hurt or if they are overly tired. people at the check point will then take care of the dogs at the check point. in the end of the race they are reunited when theyre musher crosss the finish line!!! the iditarod face is a very stressful race but can also be very exciteing and is something thet all great mushers want to do. they may also enter in the Yukon quest race. so wwwwoooooowwwww.................maybe you should try the could be fun!!! couldn't you just imagine a little two year old mushing a dogsled!!!!!!!!!!ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha wouldn't that be funny!!!!!!!!!!!yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why cant mushers in the iditarod have the bib number 1?

Bib number 1 is the honorary musher. Each year, the Iditarod honors someone as a special thank you to the person for doing something for the race.

Why does the iditarod race alternate between northern and southern routes each year?

During the early years of the Iditarod Race, the mushers only traveled the northern trail. After several years, the Iditarod Board of Directors realized that the smaller villages were being heavily impacted by the race coming through their village year after year. It was decided to use both sections of the trail.This decision had a three fold effect. The northern villages of Ruby, Galena and Nulato only had to deal with the large group of mushers, press and volunteers every other year. The second effect was that the race was able to pass through the actual ghost town of Iditarod. Lastly, the villages of Shageluk, Anvik and Grayling were able to participate in the more: Why_does_the_Iditarod_Sled_Dog_Race_alternate_between_a_northern_route_and_a_southern_route_every_other_year

Iditarod dog sled race?

The Iditarod is a dog sled race that takes place in March of every year since 1976. There are near 100 mushers, or racers, who compete across a 1,049 mile terrain across Alaska. With 22 rest stops and 16 dogs, mushers race for a chance to win $69,000 and a brand new pickup truck.

Why does the Iditarod Sled Dog Race alternate between a northern route and a southern route every other year?

During the early years of the Iditarod Race, the mushers only traveled the northern trail. After several years, the Iditarod Board of Directors realized that the smaller villages were being heavily impacted by the race coming through their village year after year. It was decided to use both sections of the trail. This decision had a three fold effect. The northern villages of Ruby, Galena and Nulato only had to deal with the large group of mushers, press and volunteers every other year. The second effect was that the race was able to pass through the actual ghost town of Iditarod. Lastly, the villages of Shageluk, Anvik and Grayling were able to participate in the race.

How many total musher are signed up for this year iditarod?


How many women registered for this year's race?

15 - 18 women are in this 2012 Iditarod race as far as i know

The year of constitution was signed?

The U.S. Constitution was signed in the year 1787.

What year was the 15th amendment signed?

The 15th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which prohibits the government of the United States from denying the right to vote based on someones race, color or previous condition of servitude was signed on February 3, 1870.