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Q: How many minutes is issued for a minor penalty?
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For what do you give a minor penalty in ice hockey?

a penalty that is for two minutes. tripping, hooking, elbowing etc. fighting is the most common penalty that isn't a minor, but misconducts and other things are also not minors. they are called majors if they are more than two minutes.

How many penalty minutes has Chris Pronger gotten?

1536 minutes

How many minutes in a major penalty?

5 five

How many minutes where Wayne Gretzky in the penalty box?

Wayne Gretzky played from 1979-1999 appearing in 1487 games and accumulated 577 penalty minutes.

How many penalty minutes has Alexander Ovechkin got in one season?


How many career penalty minutes did Rob Ray have?

About 3396 PIM career I think.

How many penalty minutes in the Ottawa Senators vs Philadelphia Flyers March 5 2004 game?

I think it is 413 minutes.

If a hockey player receives a major penalty how long does he have to sit in the penalty box?

It all depends on the penalty. In minor hockey If a player receives a 5 minute major, they are automatically ejected from the game, and someone else will serve that 5 minutes. You can get a M21 which is a 10 minute penalty for harassment of the official. So a major penalty could be 5 minutes or it could be 10. -David

Can an entire team get a penalty?

Yes. it's called a bench penalty and is a two minute minor penalty served by one of the players on the ice at the time it is assessed. The most common bench penalty is for too many men on the ice. They can also happen when a coach gets mouthy or home fans are too unruly.

How many career penalty minutes does Bob Probert have?

In a career spent with Detroit and Chicago, Bob Probert had 3,300 minutes in the regular season and 274 playoff minutes for a career total of 3,574 PIM.

In hockey how many minutes is a boarding penalty?

It all depands on the severity of the hit, and it is also at the referees discretion. you can get a 2 minute for boarding a GM57 which is a 5 minute major and a 2 game suspension you could also get a match penalty with an attempt to injure along with the board so this could result in up to a 7 game suspension

How many players in skating?

At full strength, each team has 6 players on the ice (5 skaters and a goalie). However, when a team commits a penalty, the violating player must leave the ice for a specified amount of time (2 minutes for a minor penalty and 5 minutes for a major penalty). That player sits in the penalty box. There is no limit to how many players a team can have in the penalty box at one time (other than the 20 players they are allowed to dress), but a team can only be a maximum of 2-men down at one time. That means that, if both teams have 2 or men in the box at one time (and they aren't concurrent penalties), there can be as few as 8 players on the ice at one time (3 skaters per side and a goalie for each team as goalies don't serve their own penalties). There can be no less than that.