4 and a half spins is the world recited, at least by my knoll age
The plural of "spin" is "spins."
IT' in the name it spins
doesnt it spins everyday it spins 1 complete spin
Types of spins: there are many variances in spins - with different positioning of hands and free leg. Then there is combination spins which has the skater changing position, change of foot, change of edge, which leaves the door open to various spins.Types of spin:· Attitude spin· Biellmann Spin - variance - half-Biellman Spin, One-handed Biellman spin· Basic camel spin· Basic one-foot spin· Basic sit spin· Basic two-foot spin· Butterfly spin· Broken leg sit spin· Cannonball spin· Corkscrew also know and Crossover Spin· Corkscrew sit spin· Death drop also know as flying open Axel sit spin· Dounghnut spin also know as horizontal Biellmann· Flying camel spin· Flying sit spin· Illusion spin· I Spin· Layback Spin - variance - Catch foot layback spin also know as haircutter· One leg spin· Pancake spin· Scratch spin - variance - back scratch· Side-by-side shotgun spins· Shotgun spin· Y spin - ankle hold - variance Y-spin - skate hold
When you begin to spin in figure skating, you would begin with a two foot spin. You then would move onto a one foot spin. A basic spin that beginners learn next is called the scratch (or crossfoot)spin. As you become more advanced, the difficulty of spins becomes harder. Sit spins, Camel spins, Laybacks, and Back (scratch) spin are more of the basic of those harder spins and to create a combination spin, you combine basic spins with variations.Types of spins: there are many variances in spins - with different positioning of hands and free leg. Then there is combination spins which has the skater changing position, change of foot, change of edge, which leaves the door open to various spins.Types of spin:· Attitude spin· Biellmann Spin - variance - half-Biellman Spin, One-handed Biellman spin· Basic camel spin· Basic one-foot spin· Basic sit spin· Basic two-foot spin· Butterfly spin· Broken leg sit spin· Cannonball spin· Corkscrew also know and Crossover Spin· Corkscrew sit spin· Death drop also know as flying open Axel sit spin· Dounghnut spin also know as horizontal Biellmann· Flying camel spin· Flying sit spin· Illusion spin· I Spin· Layback Spin - variance - Catch foot layback spin also know as haircutter· One leg spin· Pancake spin· Scratch spin - variance - back scratch· Side-by-side shotgun spins· Shotgun spin· Y spin - ankle hold - variance Y-spin - skate hold
An orbit is where something spins and goes in a circle, a spin is just a spin....
The Earth spins on an axis.
Depending on the context of the sentence, the word "spins" can be either an intransitive verb (a spider spins its web); or a transitive verb (he spins fibers into thread). The word "spin" can be a verb as in a swift twirling motion or a noun as in taking a spin around the block. It is often used in slang expressions (spin doctor, meaning that person's interpretations of statements) and also in phrasal verbs like spin off or spin out.
The Sun spins because of Gravitiy!
it spins prograde
no,it spins right
mercury spins faster.