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about 4-5 depends HOW heavy the sled is ;)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

I can't remember I think it is seven but I am not to sure I would have a look on the national dog sled website as it has all the info you need to know about dogsleding :)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Any number you choose!

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Q: How many breed of dogs can be used pull sleds?
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What is a eskimos?

A eskimo is a breed of dog that many eskimo's use to pull there sleds but can be found in america too

The samoyed breed of dog originated in which country?

They originated in Russia where they were bred to herd reindeer and pull sleds.

Why do some Antarctic explorers come back without some of their sled dogs?

Some sled dogs die in the service of their duties, one of which is to pull loaded sleds. As the loads on sleds is decreased, the population of the dogs is similarly decreased.

What are the jobs of sled dogs?

They mostly pull sleds, smell each other and roll around in the snow.

What are the sled dogs jobs?

They mostly pull sleds, smell each other and roll around in the snow.

What are each sled dogs' jobs?

To pull sleds for humans through the snow. These sleds can carry things such as food and medicine. Nowadays dog sledding is just a sport or fun hobby.

What animal do the eskimos use to pull their sleds?

caribou, artic hare, artic fox, walrus, and polar bear

Who pulls sleds in Lapland?

siberian huskey pull sleds in lapland

What are the uses of sled dogs?

Sled dogs are primarily used for transportation in regions with snowy and icy conditions. They are commonly employed in activities such as dog sledding, racing, and expeditions in polar regions. Sled dogs are also used for recreational purposes and as working dogs for tasks like search and rescue operations.

What are some things about husky dogs?

It depends what breed of dog you are looking for. All different breeds of dogs bare different traits and characteristics. But in general dogs have 2 ears, one tail, one nose and four legs!!!!! Female and Male too

Do wild Siberian huskies socialize?

There is no such thing as Wild Siberian huskies. They are a domestic breed that originated from the Chukchi people in Siberia and have always been domestic dogs. They socialize with other huskies from an early age in this environment as they all have to pull sleds as a team.

How do dogs help prople?

they hunt, pull sleds, guard property, herd sheep and some times help dig people out of snow.