It usually takes about 10-15 min and you can get it done at any ice rink at the place where you rent skates
Yes,bryan park will sharpen the skates but they Will charge you to sharpen them,it doesn't take that long, about 5 minutes
Skates right out of the box are not sharpened. Most likely the shop that you are purchasing them from will sharpen the skates before you leave the store. If you purchased the skates online you will need to take then to your local shop and have them sharpened. But make sure that the skates fit properly and you are not going to ship them back. Once you sharpen the skates most online retailers consider the skates now used and will not accept them for return. If you need to get them sharpened, don't worry it generally costs only a few dollars ($3-5). You will also need to maintain the skates and have them sharpened after every few skates. This is a personal preference when to sharpen your skates.
Figure skate blades are thicker, and the balance point is at the back, with more blade extending past the heel compared to hockey skates. They also have toe picks, to help with jumps and other maneuvers for figure skating. Figure skates are also "rockered" differently, meaning the blade curves differently, so turning is different in figure skates compared to hockey skates, as the balance is different. Figure skate blades are thicker, too, so they can be faster, as you have more blade contact to push off of. Hockey skates have no toe picks, as with toe picks, if you accidentally drag your foot or put it too far forward on the ice, you can fall. Also, hockey skates are balanced more neutrally, in the middle of the skate, which helps with recovering balance during the fast maneuvering and contact in the game. Hockey skates have thinner blades, so compared to figure skates, you're going to apply less power to the ice, but they glide a little bit easier than figure skates. Also, compared to figure skates, hockey skates have much tougher construction, as they have to be able to take pucks/sticks, etc.
A few seconds.
12 years
How long did it take you to figure out how to spell San Rafael?
Your stick needs to be at your chin when the toe of the blade is placed on the ground. Keep in mind you take this measurement while your skates are ON.
Figure it Out!!
I am sharpen take care
If you are talking about learning the rules it does not take very long to figure it out. If you are talking about developing skill, it depends on the person.