Globalization would result in the consolidation of all companies and countries into one. All rules and regulations regarding Snowboarding (or anything else) would be the same worldwide.
how the globalization and internet affect your daily life
Various factors can affect the globalization of a business. For example, cultural factors may affect how viable a product is in a certain location.
It didn't affect globalization . The idea of globalization is a modern one and in 1604 when the 104 men landed in Virigina there truly was no such thing.
development of machine
by sending over gooods
What are the primary components of globalization that affect how the practice of medicine takes place in the U.S
its not
Globalization affects Samoa in many ways (: Yeeaaups !
it doesn't it just pulls companies down further
a wide answer
Clara Barton Clara Barton
it afeects it because it makes people want to have alot of anal sex!